Duplicate noteheads in score editor

Why am I getting duplicate noteheads in Cuebase pro 14 score editor? Every single notehead is duplicated (mirrored to itself). For every note entered there are 2 noteheads attached, one on the left and one on the right, whole notes will sit horizontally on the staff like a sideways snowman.


Please, double-check, if the MIDI Notes are duplicated. You can see it in the Key Editor or even better in the List Editor.

Most often this happens, if one Input MIDI Port is in use for multiple driver type (WDM/Direct),

Thanks for your help…you were right the MIDI notes were recorded in duplicate. It didn’t show in the key editor but was plain as day in the list editor. I tried changing the MIDI channel but got no sound. When I switched controllers that did the trick…Thanks again.


If this happens, you can use the MIDI > Function > Delete Doubles function.