Duplicating 2 bar guitar solo fill

Hello all,

I have a quick question.

Last night I recorded some audio tracks (Bass Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Lead guitar, Lead guitar fill).

The Lead guitar fill I have is 2 bars long (let’s say starts at the beginning of bar 30 and ends at the end of bar 31 - using Cubase 7’s Punch In/Punch Out feature.). I decided to duplicate the audio event, so now it starts at the beginning of bar 30, ends at the end of bar 31, then starts again at the beginning of bar 32 and ends at the end of bar 33.

What I have decided to do now is record the Lead Guitar fill again but this time at the end of the 2nd bar, let the last note ring out for a half bar (2 beats in 4/4 time), then duplicate the audio event and have it play a 2nd time.

What I am wanting to know is how do I have a recording that lasts 2 1/2 bars, make the region graphic look only 2 bars long, so that way in the arrage area of the song, it lines up at the bar marks (bars 30-end of bar 31, then bar 32-end of bar 33).

In the end I want the last note that is in the end of the 2nd bar, be ringing out when the 2 bars that I copied plays again. I don’t want the note that is ring out to get cut off.

The file that’s supposed to ring out obviously goes to a second track.

It does not obviously get recorded/put on a different track.

I recall with other DAW recording software I used in the past if you recorded for x amount of bars (lel’s say 2.5 bars), you could drag the right side of the Event and move it to the left to the 2 bar mark, then copy the event and it would and would line up in 2 bar increments (even if there was more then 2 bars of audio in the Event). The audio would still ring out.

Wondering now if the same thing can be done in Cubase 7.

It does not obviously get recorded/put on a different track.

Well not obviously perhaps…but that’s it I’m afraid. No overlapping audio on a single track.

maybe it would be more clear if thinking’s post is interpreted as:

The file that’s supposed to ring out obviously must go to a second track.

not meaning to be snarky here, there are two way to understand his post.

That´s the way it was meant: Since every Cubase users knows from the manual :wink: , that a track can play back only one file at a time, if two files shall be played back at the same time, they need to be on two tracks