Hello! How do I adjust the speed of the grace notes? I’m looking here (see attached photo) but it seems that the playback doesn’t pay attention to it. How could I make sure that what changes affected all the grace notes? I see that there are options to do it but I don’t see results either.
P.S.: I use Noteperformer
If I don’t like a grace playback, I normally implement graces in a dedicated hidden staff. So you can choose the right style, velocity and realization.
Add: Imho there aren’t two graces that need the same playback…
To adjust the speed of the grace notes, go to Library > Playback Options > Timing > Grace Notes and change the Default grace note length.
@mdp842, your thread title and image show that you’re interested in the velocity with which grace notes are played back, but you use the word “speed,” possibly suggesting — as @johnkprice took you to mean — the duration of playback. Just to clarify: are you asking how to globally set a velocity value for grace notes?
If so, you would select all then filter for grace notes and apply the velocity value you want.
Thank you. I will take it a look. I0m new in this software and I still don’t know where many features are located.
Hello! What would be the difference between speed and velocity? I was referring to speed, to its duration.
Velocity is the MIDI parameter resulting in the dynamics of the note. Speed is a Tempo parameter.
Expanding on @Alberto_Maria's helpful reply…
Speed is a tricky word.
In general usage, it’s related to velocity, as in an object in motion. (“I got pulled over for speeding.”)
That connects to the common usage in music @Alberto_Maria mentions: speed as the rate of the beat, aka tempo. (“I got pulled over for conducting the Adagio movement too quickly.” )
But sometimes it’s used to suggest duration in time (“that was quick!”). In music: “eighth notes are faster than quarter notes” (which, of course, is relative and depends on tempo).
MIDI velocity refers to the force with which a note is played (which begs the question of why it isn’t called force instead of velocity), which, as Alberto points out, relates to dynamics in music. (“I pressed the piano key lightly to play the note pp.”)
For even more “fun for the whole family,” the relationship of MIDI velocity and volume is an interesting one. Here’s a nice discussion (with audio examples):