Dynamics in divisi


I have problems with dynamics in divisi setting in dorico.

I have divisi in viola section, I divided them into two.
Both hold a long 8 bar length note, one starts 2 bars later.
And for both staff I have marked p<f dynamic but the Dorico doesn’t play it back. What should I do?

do the dynamics playback in non-divisi staffs?
You might need to enable voice-independent playback in play mode. see: Enabling independent voice playback

If the dynamics in your divisi staves are different, you need to use voice-specific dynamics in addition to independent voice playback.

Thank yoU!

In Dorico 4.1, I’m not finding the option to “activate Enable independent playback of voices” as described in the online manual. I’d like to use different dynamics in string divisi staves.

“instrument track header, activate Enable independent playback of voices.”

In play mode, select the string section player that needs different dynamics in divisi. Then in the left panel, click on Inspector, click on Routing to expand that section, and finally click on “Turn on IRV.” I am guessing that IRV stands for Independent Routing of Voices.
