Working in Windows 10 still. Removed my dongle for Cubase 11 temporarily,
put it back and now it´s asking for the activation code which I HAVE, but Cubase tells me the E-Licenser is too old. Well how can it be, when I downloaded the latest available version on elicenser dot net? I need Cubase 11 to work as I have Reason rewire connected to it with a lot of programming and I need to re-work some of my older songs for this new project. This is really frustrating. As some of you might now, Cubase 13/14 doesnt´work in Rewired mode anymore. Please advise or help. Thank you.
this makes no sense for me. if you have Cubase 11 up and running on your dongle it shouldn’t ask for an activation code. Once the Cubase 11 dongle has a license it is on the dongle and that should take care of all the copy protection on your Cubase 11. I really can’t pin point what would be your problem from the information you give.
and if rewired mode is rewire that is not supported on newer cubase versions, nor is it supported by the developer anymore. Support was stopped in 2020 by the developer so don’t expect others to do it either.
Not sure what you mean when you say “removed my dongle ‘temporarily’ for Cubase 11”? It makes no sense to me because CB10 and CB11 need the same dongle to be able run. So why would you remove it? It’s not recommended to remove the dongle anyway while any licensed programs are running that need it! Do you perhaps mean that you have two separate computers? One running CB10 and the other CB11?
I think we need a little bit more information before we can help with this?
Sorry for being a bit unclear. Whilst I was working in Cubase 13 on a newer project, I needed a USB slot in my computer for an external hard drive. So I took out the dongle for Cubase 11 temporarily. Went back to Cubase 11 the day after, I realized I had forgotten to insert the dongle and so I did. That’s when the trouble started. Rebooted the computer a few times. Cubase keeps asking for activation code, I’m submitting it in the newly installed E-licenser and I get the message that it’s too old. I hope I was a little clearer now. Thanks!
Have you tried running the maintenance on your eLicencer dongle via the eLicencer Control Centre?
And welcome to the Steinberg forums.
Yes, I have a few times I’m afraid.
Thanks for the welcome!
You are welcome.
If you haven’t already.
Try a different USB port if possible.
Try uninstalling the eLicencer software and remove the eLicencer Dongle, then reboot the PC, (I use the free version of REVO Uninstaller to get rid of programs, because it can also delete Registry entries that may have become corrupted, which can lead to anomalies in the application after reinstalling).
Reinstall the eLicencer Control Centre and “shut down” the PC, plug in the eLicencer and power on the PC.
If you have done these already, sorry but I’m at a loss.
Good Luck.
As has been said
So there’s some info missing from your description of what transpired.
What exactly happens when you only (without launching Cubase)
- plug in the USB Elicenser and then
- launch the Elicenser Control Center
Post a screenshot so we can see what you see.
Please don´t kill me! I had the wrong dongle! Got two. It´s all working now. Thanks so much for your patience. Been a while since I used C11.
All is good! Many thanks, Nad