Edit Fingering in Chord Diagrams

Hi there,

I have searched but I couldn’t find the answer. I would like to change the fingering or at least have an option to edit in the Chord Diagram.

The one I want to edit is the “Em” Chord, since you can play it with the 2, 3 fingers or with the 1,2. By default appears as 2,3 (image attached) but I would like to change it to 1,2.

Captura de pantalla 2022-05-23 a las 23.47.49

Thanks a lot! I’m really enjoying Dorico 4!

Hi again,

I have found it. It appears in the Editor of the Chord Diagram through the Engraving Mode, scrolling down it shows the fingering and clicking over them you can change the numbers.

I hope this can help other people.


I never see any number ?! how to you obtain finger number?

Layout Options>Chord Symbols & Diagrams

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so easy! :confused:Thanks
Edit (for me next time): not in v3.5