Edit Playing Technique not saving

Hi all,

I’m adding a new playing technique in the menu.
However, it does not save the new playing technique (star beside the name is still showing, indicating it’s not saved)

If i click “ok” it just does not appear in the playing techniques section. If I open the editor again, it’s gone again.

Tried it a couple times, still not working. Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!

just did some other changes, switched the category, waited a little bit, pressed Cmd + S and then pressed okay and it saved it. However, it did not work the past 5 times I tried, no idea why it worked now… The * next to the name still did not dissappear, however.

Hi @Composer-Chris,

just a clarification (difference between saving an item to the current project, or saving it as default for current and all other projects):

a star icon with only borders, generally means only that the item is not “saved as default”. This means that the new created item will be saved in the current project (once you click OK), but will not appear on other projects.

Clicking on the star icon and making it so full coloured, saves the item as default, meaning it will be saved to your User Library, and will be available and will appear (once you click OK) in all project (in the corresponding panel, or available via the corresponding popover etc…)

The little * near the name of the item means that the item was changed in the dialogue and was not jet be saved (by clicking OK)

Do you have possibly some duplicates of the item? (not sure if this may be the reason)

Also notice that items that are currently be used in the project (so as factory items) cannot be deleted.

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I’ve had similar things happen in the Playing Techniques editor. These happenings may be some form of user-error, but it is my ardent wish that a major upgrade to Playing Techniques arrive sooner than later.

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Sorry, my bad. English / German confusion.
In German we call this sign “*” a Stern / Sternchen (engl. star). The correct term would be “asterisk”. Sorry for the confusion here, I was not talking about the “save as default” button!

Actually not, it really did not make any sense. I also tried by duplicating it and hoping, that the duplication will save the one before.

Hmm, maybe an update will fix this hopefully. Seems like it’s not something we are doing completely wrong here?

The Playing Techniques editor seems to have some quirks as to what it can or cannot do that are not obvious to a user. Perhaps that is causing this?