Edit window follow project cursor position when playback is stopped

Hi Team

I’m looking for a way for the edit window to follow the project cursor when editing.

For instance, working through a bunch of edits using the ‘locate next/previous event’ does not bring my edit view along with me to actually see where that event is - the fastest way I’ve found to bring my view there is to use shortcuts to zoom out, and then back in again, which adds a few seconds to any time I want to quickly navigate around in my session.

Am I missing a setting somewhere? Any suggestions on how to move around to where the cursor is without loosing zoom settings or in any way with greater speed?

Thanks folks

Is Autoscroll turned off, by any chance?

Skjermbilde 2024-08-23 kl. 11.05.38

Thanks for the reply - Auto scroll only follows the cursor during playback, not when editing unfortunately. I’m hoping to find a more efficient way to navigate the edit while playback is stopped

It does here. Maybe there is another setting which hinders it?

Hm… Ok that’s hopeful then! Just left my machine but I will investigate when back! Thank you

Turns out there is a setting which hinders it!

If ‘video follows edit mode’ is activated (I have this setting on most of the time, part from when some of it’s behaviour irritates the *** out of me) auto scroll does not work as I wish it did. When deactivated the edit window follows the cursor as expected…

Intentional? Seems unlikely?

Thanks, at least now I can work around it :+1:


Hi! That’s weird, I rarely use Video follows edit mode, but just tried turning it on. Here, the view still skips around to follow Cursor when locating events with Locate Previous/Next Event. Maybe there are more settings at play here that we don’t know about. :thinking:

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Just press “F”, and all your problems should disappear, at least this is what I have been told time and again.

How would you wish for it to work, do you have time to explain?

The full sentence you’re quoting is: If ‘video follows edit mode’ is activated auto scroll does not work as I wish it did.

For some reason activating this setting stops auto scroll to act as I expect it too - With it off, it acts as I expect it (and wish it) to do.

Ok, thanks for checking it out. I will keep an eye on it and hopefully find the culprit. For now I know I can get the functionality I hoped for by disabling Video Follows Edit :pray: