Editing played duration "snaps back"?

Hi smart people—

I have several rolled (arpeggiated) 8th-note chords at the beginnings of bars in a piano piece, and when I recorded the sustain pedal (via MIDI) I didn’t quite “catch” the rolled chord before the bottom notes had released. I’m therefore trying to stretch the played durations so they last until the pedal has been reactivated. The problem is that when I do that, the notes “snap” back to their originally recorded durations—and it looks like I’ve actually made changes to other notes’ durations while trying to drag just the orange (highlighted) ones!

I can’t figure out how to embed a screen recording here, but I did upload a video to YouTube if it would be helpful to see what I’m seeing: https://youtu.be/TbYFF2kBaU4

This is literally my third Dorico project ever, so not only am I sure I’m just missing something obvious, I’m also not even sure the “solution” I’m trying is the best one to solve the problem I described! :face_with_spiral_eyes: All that to say… thanks in advance for whatever suggestions you can offer!

I’m not sure why this wouldn’t be working. Do you have an arpeggio sign in the music at that point? If so, perhaps its automatic playback is overriding your choices here. Try selecting the arpeggio sign and activating the Suppress playback property. If that doesn’t help, please cut the project down to just the affected bars and attach it here, and I’ll be glad to take a closer look.

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Hi @dspreadbury

Thanks so much for your offer! I tried suppressing playback on the arpeggio mark and saw the exact same “snap back” when trying to edit the notes’ played durations. I’ve deleted the notes from before and after the measure in question—I didn’t want to delete the bars themselves in case that whonked the MIDI pedal data—and attached here. At least on my end, I get the same result trying to stretch the durations on those four pitches in the file I’ve attached.

I’ll be very grateful for whatever wisdom you can share!


Troubleshooting Arpeggios.dorico (530.4 KB)