Empty Measures

I run Dorico Pro under Windows 10/11 and am rewriting a piece of music to improve its quality.

I have created a partial score in order to handle the many cues efficiently, however, when I copy these sections into their respective parts in the score (Violincello, Viola) I am left with empty measures in the clarinet part - completely empty without rests. How do I remedy this?

You probably have an “ends voice” property somewhere in the clarinet part. Easiest way to fix is to position the caret in the first blank measure, type Shift+B and enter “rest”.

BTW, the Cello part one measure before 2 is in the wrong clef.

Thanks. Problem solved. The clef designation is perhaps wrong but that seems to be the way it is written!


What @rkrentzman was suggesting is that your two pictures do not show the same notes to the cello. Look carefully the first chord. The notes (and intervals) are clearly different, so there are some mistakes there :wink:

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I am not sure, how you setup the score.
Elgar Cello concerto in E-Minor starts with the Cello solo (top notes) b-e-d-c-b-c-a.
In your A-Clarinet part this cue shows in G-Minor obviously, so d-g-f-eb-d-eb-c. Your notation with C4 tenor clef shows wrong notes.
If you setup your score particell with the right players (Clarinet in A, Viola, Violoncello solo) the transposition will be handled automatically - if you also give the piece the key signature of E-Minor.

I am guessing here, but it looks to me as if you setup the score with three Clarinets in A and renamed two of them to viola and cello - I might be wrong though.
Here is the beginning of that piece:


Perhaps the OP is not familiar with tenor clef?

BTW, I’ve performed the clarinet part for this work many times from this Novello edition and never had any issues with either part.