Engraving figured bass, old school way?

Started to engrave a Haydn te Deum. Hitting my head on figured bass (that I really know nothing about). https://imslp.hk/files/imglnks/euimg/2/2f/IMSLP337022-PMLP544125-haydn_te_deum_(i).pdf

Here the figured bass is above the realisation. And how do I enter (6—), and 6 above 5.

I guess what I am asking for is a what strategy you would use: fix up with text or whatever til it looks like the actual score – or follow Dorico structure for figured bass (which would mean a different look from the actual score)? Would love links to descriptions (I have worked through the help files).

This would seem pretty straightforward. You can specify whether figures should be above or below the staff in Layout Options > Players > Figured Bass. As with any other object, you can flip selected items, too.

You can also do bracketed figures and extension lines.

Screenshot 9

You can put a bracket round the extension line, too. It is theoretically possible to put one bracket round the whole thing, but there are practical limitations.

There are some excellent tutorials on entering figured bass, as well as the manual.

If you’re copying source material, you will probably want to set “Follow input literally” in Note Input Options. Then Dorico will add exactly what you type, not what is consistent with the Engraving Options.

6 above 5 is just 65 in the popover. Guess how you add brackets to a number in the popover…! Go on, guess!

FWIW, a realisation is the improvised ‘expansion’ of the figures, e.g. the invented ‘right hand’ part.

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Thank you for quick answer. Allows me to exit panic mode. Figured bass is definitely outside of my comfort zone.
(Note: the finished score and parts will go to imslp).