Enharmonic spelling during note entry

hi all - is there a way to avoid this type of behavior ? in the second bar both notes on the 2nd beat should be G#. Entering 2 parts at the same time. - thanks

Does it remain as is if you go on? My understanding is that Dorico will repitch according to a quite complex algorithm that takes many surrounding notes into account.

yes. i turned off the "use previous notes, because it seemed worse. it’s a little frustrating to not know where or when i play one note in unison it’s interpreted differently when entering 2 staves at the same time. im just wondering if it’s some setting i’ve overlooked. thx

That’s because the context of those two staves might be very different, and it may make better enharmonic sense to represent the same pitch differently for the other instrument.

But as @MarcLarcher said, the more notes you enter into the measure, the more it will recalculate based on context, so you really can’t stop only one beat later.

In fairness to the algorithm in this example, the bottom flute is clearly a lower neighbor alteration with only a brief foray into the neighboring pitch before coming right back. Very straightforward. The flute 1, however, is much less clear as shown above, and it’s atypical to default to a g# in g minor, so the assumption the algorithm is making in that context makes perfect sense in the absence of more notes.

It’s a real shame the programmers have not yet implemented a mind-reader capability. After all, it should be so simple to program since mystics all over the world (not to mention several Los Vegas acts) can do it (sort of). :woozy_face:


I think it should be possible to turn the algorithm off to always know what to expect… Maybe there is? If so, one can just edit on the fly.

However, I often get that the spelling does not correct itself; you could try to select the passage when it has been entered and run a respelling of the selection. That has helped me many times.

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LOL - i live in the land of mystics here in Sedona. i understand the difficulty in programming. so i’m not looking to change the program, just to understand how it works. thx

If I try your example, I get Ab in fl1 and G# in fl2, but when the A is entered, Ab changes to G#.

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I still think it would be a useful if something like Finale’s Enharmonic Spelling options could be implemented. In Finale, the user can choose from “Default spelling,” Sharps, Flats, or their own custom Spelling Table. This way the spelling can be entirely predictable when using MIDI input.


yes. i think that is something that i was looking for :slight_smile:

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