Envelope Edit Line Visibility

I know envelope functionality in SL11 is in its infancy and even though I had made a similar post in the past, I’ve noticed that sometimes the one of the ways to reveal the envelope edit line is by changing the current value. My question is different than my previous post about these envelope edit lines position relative to zoom of waveform display.

Say for instance all your envelopes are set to 0.0dB…well which layer’s envelope edit line is visible?

Case in point: I have a magenta layer envelope and a red layer envelope at the same value and can only see the magenta line. If I change the layer hierarchy- the envelope line visibility doesn’t change.

I thought maybe since my magenta was above the red layer that might govern visibility, but not so far that I have seen. It just seemed logical to approach them by layer hierarchy.

as it is, the easiest way to reveal the edit lines is to disable envelope for layers until you find the one you want.

@Robin_Lobel have you any plans to modify the envelope UI in future?

Seems to me that the resulting color of overlapping envelopes is a simple addition of RGB values based on the layer color, regardless of the layer order.

Some (additive) color mixing basics:
As in your example, layer color Red is RGB 255/0/0, layer color Magenta is 255/0/255 and therefore already fully contains red with additional blue color, and if you add a (dark) Blue colored layer (0/0/255) the result will still be magenta. If you add a Green (0/255/0), Yellow (255/255/0) or Cyan (0/255/255) colored layer, the result will be white (255/255/255).

The same logic seems to apply for the color of the waveform itself and the spectrogram, with more color mixing options within the spectrogram (as only the loudest parts are shown in bright color), and depending on the Waveform Luminosity setting in your Preferences → Interface.

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thanks, that all makes sense

Nevertheless, these conditions do not make for efficient editing of envelopes. It is a wonderful situation to have the ability to employ volume envelopes as opposed to not having the functionality. In use, though, editing volume envelopes in SL11 is very cumbersome. It is faster than mixing in my DAW after the fact and gives an excellent levelling facility, but is a lot of back and forth with zooming. There are other issues with it like editing points…and adding them…the points easily jump around and all point values require multiple double-checking.

I can cope with the inefficient UI, I just wonder if any dev is on the horizon