Erased current projects in Hub

Somehow recently I was fooling around with the computer trying to erase cache files in the computer(not Cubase) and pressed -Ctrl-Shft-Z I think it was, following instructions from a technician in a Forum. What I didn’t do was close Cubase12 pro that was still running while trying to erase computer cache…well what happened was it erased all my recent projects in the Hub and in File-Recent Projects. I tried to restore an older version of the Users Preferences xml. but I received a Cannot Restore because files were skipped and I need to create a new folder location. There was no way to create a new folder. What I’m asking is does anyone know of a way that I can retrieve the Recent Projects or retrieve an older version? That way I won’t have to go around looking for the Projects in Windows File Explorer. Hundreds of bak files and older versions of projects to sort out. It’s handy for me to have the Projects that I’m working on right there in Recent.

Windows also maintains a list of recent Projects if you have previously opened the Project from windows (i.e. double+clicked the .cpr file). Right+click on the Cubase icon in the Start Menu (not a shortcut on your desktop) to see the list.


If you are performing regular system level backups (like we all should) you could restore your computer to the day before you deleted the list.

If you do need to manually rebuild the list, I’d do it from inside Cubase rather than in Windows. Use Media Bay and set it to only show Project files. Set the location to the top level Folder for where you keep your Projects and filter for Projects that have been modified in the last X days. That will give you a list of Projects which you can launch & close to rebuild the list. You can also do the same in Windows but I think the search features in Media Bay are easier to use. Probably best to read up on Media Bay in the manual first.

Use the full Media Bay & not the one in the Right Zone.

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Can I increase the amount of recents. In this list?

I’m pretty sure you can but I don’t recall how as it was years ago.

FWIW Snip & Sketch which is part of Windows is a much easier way to create screen captures.

And here comes Mr. Google to the rescue

[increase size of windows recent file list - Google Search](https://increase size of windows recent file list)