I belive this is an issue which has plagued ppl before. Having tried everything previously suggested I have yet to find anything that works. I am running Cubase 14 Pro and have just added a Focusrite 18i2 4th generation to my setup. I am struggling to record 1 track before this message appears. I have tried increasing buffer size and playing with sample rates but without any success. Has anyone found a solution to this please?
I think folks on the forum would like to know what sort of PC or Mac you are running, and the specs of the hardware before being able to help you out on this.
I have a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen running on Windows 11 with CB 14 Pro without any issues.
Good point. I’m running Windows 10 pro…i7-7820x cpu @ 3.60GHz. 32GB RAM. Hope this helps.
…and CB 14 Pro
So is this happening on an existing project?
Can you create a new, empty project and record a single audio track without any issues?
It seems to do it on any new project where I’m recording audio. It’s only just started happening.
I have now moved Cubase 14 to a different ssd drive and have disabled any 3rd party plugins all with no improvement. CPU is hardly moving so I don’t think there is an issue there. MIDI is fine.
So do you have your original Audio Device, pre-Focusrite, to switch back to for a test using the same setup?
I do and I think that will be my next test
Have you seen this support article?
.Thanks for that I’ll try a couple of the things ther recommend
Think I’ve fixed it. Turns out it was a problem with the drive that I save my projects to. Switched to a different drive and no problem. Thanks for your help.