Error message with audio aligment

When i tried to align an audio with another audiofile with the audio alignment panel i get the error message “1 of 1 targets could not be aligned”
Anyone who knows what this message mean?

What do you expect as answer?

Maybe what im doing wrong

without knowing what you did, it is hard to tell…

Sorry i should be more clear. I tried to align one audio with another. Everything works good in the beginning i choose a reference and targetfile. I see booth audiofiles in the audio alignment panel but i keep getting the error message "1 of 1 targets could not be aligned”

Could be the target is somehow locked, a shared copy or something different.
Try to Bounce the target first before doing the alignment.

Thank you, i’ll try this😃

I tried bouncing the audio, still get the same error.

I’ve got this error too.
Did you find an answer @skahall ?
A bit frustrating…