Essential component used has not been found

Dorico is not finding any of my sounds. When I open it up it says Essential Component not found. Including Screen shots of error message, library manager, Download Manager and no sounds show up in Playback Template.
Please help


I posted a Diagnostic file here . . .

Thanks ULF in advance.

Indeed, quite a few files are reported as missing:

2025-01-26 11:23:11.358 [info] Missing content: FCPSMT139HSSEArtistSynthPresets02.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.358 [info] Missing content: IndianDrumBasics.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.359 [info] Missing content: FCPSMT214ProductionGrooves.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.359 [info] Missing content: FCPSMT215ProductionGroovesKits.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.359 [info] Missing content: FCPSMT775GASETheKitSEPresets.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.359 [info] Missing content: FCPSMT779GASELaserBeams.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.360 [info] Missing content: GrooveAgentONE01.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.360 [info] Missing content: GrooveAgentONE02.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.360 [info] Missing content: GrooveAgentONE03.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.360 [info] Missing content: SoundironOlympusMicro.vstsound
2025-01-26 11:23:11.361 [info] Missing content: FCPSMT027HSOPresets01.vstsound

Have you tried clicking the Install Again buttons in SDA for the content items that are shown as missing?

I’m already in direct contact with Wayne…

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Hello - I’m having the exact same issue on Windows 11. Dorico is not finding my sounds, and my screens look just like the screenshots above. I tried uploading a diagnostics file, but it says it’s too big (11MB). Please let me know if you’re able to resolve the issue above.

Thank you in advance!

Hello BryanS.

Ulf has been extremely helpful in helping me figure this out. For some reason the Dorico program didn’t have the correct permissions to access the content that was downloaded.

If you open up your library manager and Click on Details, it should show the location of the files as:

(Image 1 shows this)

For mine, it was not showing this location. With the help of ULF, I was able to take these steps:

  1. open up your File manager . Select Show hidden folders. (Select View >SHow > select Hidden Items)
  2. I copied the file path for the Dorico files and copied that into the Library default location in Library manager
  3. Reboot computer - Open up Steinberg Download Assistant and re-install all of the components again.
  4. I was then able to run everything in Dorico when I clicked on Run as administrator.

Ulf sent me some instructions on how to get Dorico to open with access to those folders every time . . . I will copy his instructions in the next post.


Ulf’s command works - I had to reboot the computer for it to fully work. I copied my keyboard shortcuts from my other computer and everything is working great.

Thanks again Ulf

These are the instructions from Ulf:

if the Administrator can see all sound library files and the normal user not, then you have a file permission problem.

But that is easy to fix.

  • Open a command prompt window with administrator rights
    (press the Windows key, then type CMD and on the found Item do a right click and choose ‘Run as Admin’
  • Into that Command Prompt window you copy and paste the line
    *icacls C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content /grant S-1-5-32-545:RX /T
    and press the Return/Enter button.

That’s it, start Dorico as normal user and you should be able to see and use sounds from all libraries.

Thanks Daniel - Ulf and I were able to make some headway in a video call the other day. I haven’t finished the last step, but initially, Dorico wasn’t able to see the Hidden Folders.

In File Manager, I was able to show hidden folders. I then copied the filepath of the hidden Content Folder from File Explorer into the Library Manager default location. I tried re-installing after doing that with no luck, but got the re-install to work after re-booting the computer.
Dorico still did not see the libraries when running normally, but was able to see them when I tried running as administrator.
Ulf sent me some instructions on how to instruct Dorico to see those folders, but I haven’t taken that last step yet.

Thanks again.

Thank you Wayne! I followed the steps as you wrote them and everything seems to be working as it should now. At first, I could only open successfully by running as Administrator, but after using Ulf’s command prompt, I don’t seem to have any more issues.

Thank you again for the quick response and detailed instructions!

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Glad that worked for you - thanks Ulf.

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