Eucon Key command makes Cubase/Nuendo play a system blip

I have set up some short cuts in. Eucon , but when pressed you get a system Blip (Mac) . has anyone else found this ?

If you press that combination from the computer keyboard instead there is no system blip?

I’ve never had a blip from a Eucon softkey press.

No I can use my keyboard or any of my USB Devices Monogram / loupedeck and Metabrid .
It’s just via Eucon I get the system blip ,

So you can create a key - command on Eucon and not get a system bleep ?

Yes, but two caveats:

First, I’m on Windows 11 Pro, maybe that’s where the rub is.
Second, I of course haven’t tried all combinations, and not the one you’re using. So I’m not sure if your combo works for me, just that I’ve never had this happen to me.

it must be windows , as I have told Avid and they seem to be looking into it . functions still work but sending a simple “command S” for save , would make the Mac system beep .
