I switched from Sibelius because of better looking Notespacing, but in this example i have to manually adjust it. Is there a possibility to get even eights notes by default? increasing minimum eights note spacing for example. The bar width should be wider and the repeat bars smaller to achieve this i guess.
I tried all notespacing tweaks in the layout options. Ratio 2.00 (or above 1,70) normally should do it, but in this case it will squeeze the eights notes even more.
Have you tried resorting to Note Spacing Changes instead of manually tweaking in Engrave sub-mode? I find it more consistent, elegant and effective.
How full is the system?
I don’t think there’s a minimum width setting for repeat bars, or for bar rests generally, though I wait to be proved wrong.
Might be easier to reduce the empty bars manually (or with Note Spacing Changes).
Thank you! I forgot about the notespacing change option. This is still annoying but it will produce a better result then adjusting by eye.
Would be great if dorico will provide a default spacing for empty or repeat bars someday. For now, if i reduce the quarternote spacing of the empty bars below 2.00 it looks much better.
Fortunately it’s possible to copy paste the spacing change signs.
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