Further on from my post on a different fork, Im wanting to automate the related fields of mixing…I cant see anything that allows this because you have to have active windows and re inspector, it only allows toggle not absolute state
When I press the view/sends on the MCU I want any related sends to be expanded and visible
Track edit (if open) and focus/open the sends
Track inspector (if open) and collapse all others, focus and open sends
I have no idea as a long time user why these super basics arent implemented and have to spend my time hacking it…surely its 101?
Same applies to EQ, inserts etc
Surely this has application to others?
Sorry, I’m not sure, I understand your question.
If you want to see the Inserts and the Sends of selected track at once, open the Channel Settings window.
I am trying to improve workflow
As I move around the interface, I cant execute a shortcut for eg the sends in the channel inspector to open as firstly, the remote mappings only allow a toggle function and not an absolute open/close.
When mixing, a user can be either on the mixconsole or in the proj window or have an edit window open when adjusting a particular focused parameter. In this example lets consider a channel send
The point is if I press a hardware button (shortcut) eg on a control surface, I am now operating with a known and understood focus. Any “window” of information, whether that is the inspector/sends or the mixconsole/rack/sends or the edit window sends should be able to respond to my button press without me having to have a window focus etc. Its an absolute mode as far as the UI/UX is concerned. It would be so much easier if Cubase just had the window handles exposed to the operating system and we could just macro using autohotkey or similar and really optimise the user experience similar to Reaper
Also Im working across multiple (4) screens so this is important
Its not even possible to simply hack it by closing all sections and toggling eg the sends
aplolgies if I am missing something here
Here is prob a better explanation and perhaps give ideas to newer users with multi monitors. (just my idea anyway)
Cubase can nicely give 3 levels of focus to a channel
1, Overview (Mixconsole) when doing actual final mix focused final stuff or for topdown/stem mode.
2.General (Inspector) mode where you are possibly still at the mix console but you need to actually edit in a more focused way on a channel. ie when still iterating with the project window content/bottom up
3. Zoom(Edit Window) is for troubleshooting and deep checking of a channel but once established, unlikely to need this