Exploding with tied notes

Given a passage with a consistent note density (four notes, in a single voice), exploding it to four staves will result in some staves having two notes. Is there a way to explode evenly?

I don’t find this to be the case, Luke. Could you please post a minimal example that reproduces the problem?

Thanks for the reply Daniel. Might be operator error here.

Example – Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I would like to distribute the four notes in the top staff amongst the four instruments below. When some notes are tied (but others are not), exploding does not do what I would expect.

Thanks for the reply Daniel. Might be operator error here.

Example – Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I would like to distribute the four notes in the top staff amongst the four instruments below. When some notes are tied (but others are not), exploding does not do what I would expect.

Obviously it’s possible to do manually, just more error-prone.

Essentially I would expect it to be the same as, for each note in the chord, select Nth note in chord and paste to stave N.

Are you using explode, or paste? I’ve seen that if I paste four voices into four staves, it does what you report. But if I use the actual explode command, it does what I expect.

Sorry if that’s obvious but I want to try to help, even if it’s just ruling that out. Because I’ve done that several times.

Thanks, Luke, I can see what you mean now. I’ll discuss this with Stefan. The reason it does this, I think, is that it’s only considering the note onsets, so it doesn’t “know” when it comes to the next onset position whether or not each destination staff already has an ongoing note, and so it ends up assigning one of the notes that changes to that destination. I’m not sure what it would take to make Explode aware of the durations of existing notes, but it’s definitely something we should think about for the future.