Export "Flow" and "Player" audio simultaneously?

Hi smart people! I very often need to export two audio files for a project—one “full mix,” and one that’s just the accompaniment. In Finale I had to do that in two separate steps, adjusting the muting of various channels in between, so I was excited to see Dorico’s audio export dialog includes both “Flow” and “Players.” But when I use settings that look (to me, at least) like I’m asking for both a “Flow” export and a “Player” export, I get only the Player. (In the pictured case, I get only a “Piano” export, and no “Flow” export.)

Am I missing something? I can obviously just pull a Finale and do the export twice, but I’d love to find a “once-and-done” solution if it exists!

Thanks in advance!

To the best of my knowledge, the checkbox and options in this dialogue govern the single export act that happens when you press OK.
So, to the left you can either have the full piece in one file, the full piece in one file per flow, or specific flows only. To the right you will decide whether your export contains all players or just some of them. The top option will allow you to export them as separate “channels” instead of a single mix.

For your request I think one needs to repeat the operation twice.

Shucks. I was afraid of that. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: But thanks, @MicheleGalvagno, for the quick confirmation!

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