export import OMF = 1day offset


trying to export AAF to premier editor but i get so many errors by nuendo with aaf about “precise timeposition” and then import error (within nuendo…) that i try OMF.
when i export OMF process is smother but on import all my clips ar 1 day to the right of their position !
also when i import the clips the go to right location but 1day to late. so a clip at 00:00**:1:**00 would become **1:00:00:1:00
but if i look at that clip and all other clips inmported from the OMF in pool windo under “origin time” it says : 00:00
:00:**00 for all of them :unamused:
why is that ? there’s no settings for then on export/export window. am i doing something wrong ?