Export Multiple Flows with name at once

This may be most appropriately a feature request. I have seen this sort of question mentioned in other topics from last year (2023), but I cannot figure out how to do it, if it is possible. I have also asked a similar question, but did not understand what I was doing before. Now I understand the program a bit better, so my question is a bit more specific.

I would like to be able to export multiple flows as graphics and have the title of each show up correctly. Currently, if I choose export with all flows selected, and tokens: “$f - $w - $p” the output is not the specific Flow title, but the generic “multiple flows.” My specific use case is that each flow is a different stanza of a hymn for use on screens. I would like to have file’s title be “Hymn Title - Stanza number - page number” where stanza number is the flow title. Of course, I can do each Flow separately, but that seems to work against all of Dorico’s rather streamlined workflows. Is this possible, and if not, can it be added to the Future development list?

(Every day I am learning new things and loving this program more!)