How can I select specific instruments from several instruments and extract parts only for those selected instruments in Dorico?
You can create as many layouts as you want for parts, scores, within the same Dorico document. You can print any selection of those layouts, or export as individual PDFs.
You can export any Flows as separate documents, and include selected layouts in the export: but the Flow will still contain ALL the instruments in that Flow, even if they’re not used in the Layouts.
So, there’s really not much point or need to extract parts into a new document. But perhaps if you explain what it is you’re trying to achieve, then we can suggest the best way of doing that.
If I have a full score consisting of 6 instruments and want to extract parts for only 2 instruments, how can I do that in Dorico?
You can compare “part” with “Layout” in Dorico.
Switch to Print Mode and Print or Export the 2 “layouts/parts” you want. This covers your wish to extract the parts, probably meaning, you either want to print them or give them to someone else as a .pdf file.
You select in the left panel and you print/export the selected ones in the right panel.
If you really need a separate document with only 2 of the instruments, then just duplicate the document and delete the other instruments. However, that is completely unnecessary if you just want to create parts or scores just using those instruments.
My point is that you don’t really need to do this for most useful purposes, as you can create as many different layouts as you want within your original document. These layouts can include only those 2 instruments.
One of the great features of Dorico is that you can keep one document that produces all the parts and scores that you need, without making additional files (which are difficult to update or make corrections to.)
In fact, even Finale could do Linked Parts, and you didn’t need to extract parts there, either.
Unless you’re sending a Dorico document to someone else, and you don’t want them to have the music for the other 4 instruments, then there is no need to Extract Parts.
Did I mention that you don’t need to Extract Parts?
Is there a way in Sibelius to create a new part and then move instruments within the “Staves in Part” section to only include the desired instruments for the part?
I could look it up for you, because I still have a Sibelius installation on my computer.
In Dorico your goal is extremely easily to accomplish:
Go to Setup Mode
Choose/select one of the layouts in the right panel
Then have a look at the left panel and tick the other instrument you want to include into that part. You may rename that layout with the two staves, if you want.
That’s all
Thank you