My goal is to export 2 files: One file is the mixture and the other file is the same mixture but without the backing vocals.
For fixing phase cancelation in the project I am using Pi by Sound Radix in the post fader (insert effects). Each track in Cubase needs Pi as post fader effect in order to work properly.
The issue: When I export all tracks as usual into one file then the phase fixing by Pi works fantastic.
But when I export the mixture without the backing vocals (I mute the backing vocal tracks) and the backing vocals (I mute everything except the backing vocal tracks) into separate files then the Pi plugin works differently.
The phase plugin then works as the backing vocals are not there and vice versa.
I need a way to export tracks separately so that the effects still apply to them as if I export all tracks into one file.
Is there a way to do this in Cubase?