Whilst trying to export an organ composition for playback in Grandorgue today I encountered difficulties - the pedal line plays on the second (swell) manual. I’ve gotten around this when using Sibelius by adding several more instruments whose sole purpose is to ensure that the correct stave plays on the correct manual. Unfortunately I found that when exporting this into MIDI the instruments with nothing in them were just ‘ignored’, which results in the same thing occurring. Is there a way to get around this without adding a note into each arbitrary instrument, or another method I missed entirely?
I would prefer not to connect Grandorgue to Dorico as my computer doesn’t deal well with having both programs open at once.
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your quick reply.
I currently have it set up so that Staff ‘a’ and ‘b’ are assigned to channel 1, and staff ‘c’ (pedal line) is channel 4, which is an improvement on what I had but the pedal line still plays through the second manual. grandorgue testing.dorico (600.1 KB)
Upon exporting to Garageband I found that still the pedal line is appearing as the second track/channel (first screenshot). In order for it to work I need 2 blank staves in between (like second screenshot) - is there a way for me to accomplish this, or something that I have missed?
As a side note I am currently using Dorico SE, but plan to upgrade to pro when it is next discounted. I have been using Sibelius for the past 6 years as a result of education requirements.
Thank you Mark and Derrek for your prompt assistance. I’ve managed to find a workaround based on your suggestions, but will come back if I need any further help.