I have problem wit exporting Music XML. I can’t find where I can change encoding from utf-16 to utf-8?
Exporting Music XML from score editor…
(In my xml I see:
Where to find it or what to do?
I have problem wit exporting Music XML. I can’t find where I can change encoding from utf-16 to utf-8?
Exporting Music XML from score editor…
(In my xml I see:
Where to find it or what to do?
It doesn’t seem possible, as far as I can see, but if you need it in utf-8, you can easily convert it e.g with an editor like Notepad++ (for Windows, don’t know about Mac) to UTF_8 and then change the encoding value in the -Element to UTF-8.
Can also be done with Windows powershell:
PS H:\> $file=get-childitem ".\test.xml"
PS H:\> [xml]$doc = get-content $file
PS H:\> $doc.xml = $($doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0","UTF-8","")).Value
PS H:\> $doc.save($file.fullname)
Or even simpler, load the file (Music XML is simple text) into Notepad++ and convert it via a menu click