Exportproble - only possible up to 43 seconds

If I export longer than 43 seconds my exportet files are absolut silent. Wave shows only a line. I tried this issue several times, aslo with 44khz 48khz, wav and aiff. The mp3-export is fine. All test are made only by changing the timelenght. I doesn’t matter where in the project the locater are. I also reinstalled Cubase.
I use mostly Wave, Fabfilter, Arturia, Izotop and stockplugins.
Where is the bug?

My setting is Mac M2, OS14.1 32GB Ram, Cubase 13.0.51

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Please, make sure, there is no plug-in in a Demo/Trial mode.

I removed all plugins in the project: the same issue.
Other projects have the same issue. But not all.
I made a new project with all kind of plugin to test, if there is a kind of ‘hiden’ demo/trial: it could export longer than 43 seconds.


What do have the affected projects in common?

Do you mean with ‘have’ what i use?
This one has 80 tracks to mix in 48 khz . I use a lot of groups and FX Tracks. No instruments, but a lot of automations.
The Fabfilters are my number 1 in EQ, Standart compression, gate.
I use Arturia also for compression and eq.
Waves a bit here and there. All in all a lot.
Some project are electronic songs with a lot of instruments, about the same amount of tracks or more.
2 years ago i installed all the software. Cubase 11 and 12 are still installed.


I mean, what is in the affected projects and is not in the not-affected projects.

If it is caused by a plugin and I am not saying it is, it must be on the master buss. If you remove all plugins on the master buss from one of the problem projects, does that help?


Isn’t it possible, a plug-in (inserted at any Channel) can block the whole Audio stream or Audio thread? Just wondering…

Imho if that was possible it would be a bug. It would be the same when cubase not exporting but just playing. Do you know of a plugin that can block every audio stream? If a plugin would really block everything I would expect a crash.

I dont find that something? In general, when I start to work, the export works. And on some point it gets corrupt.
I try to make a new project next week and try to export all the time…

If it’s a bug, should i delete cubase 13 and reinstall and everything should be like new?

It is worth a try but I am guessing it will not help.
Did you try removing all plugins on the master bus. And have you tried real time export? Then you can look at the mixer and maybe see what happens, or maybe it does not happen.


I would rather recommend in the Cubase Safe Start Mode [Disable preferences].

Or even to rename/remove all Cubase versions preferences folders, to get the factory settings.

Cubase Preferences folders are:
Mac: ~/Library/Preferences/Cubase X
Win: %appData% \Steinberg\Cubase X_64

Where the X is the Cubase version (for example 13).

I dont find the preferences folder. Should it be in one of those directories (see pictures)?
I did Safe Start mode without plugins and preferences: same issue.
I did realtimeexport. There is a message in german: Beim Export ist eine CPU Überlastung aufgetreten! (CPU overload ocurred). i removed all plugins and all tracks and everything and did a new audiotrack. Put a .wav in it and tried to export it again: Same message.

Or this folder for the

preference folder


No, it’s the user/Library.

I did renamed the preference folder (wich was hidden).
Same issue - the same by real time export.

I grouped all tracks, and feed the group into a new audiotrack. This way i could make a audiotrack of the mix.
Then i sartet a new project for mastering with that audiotrack I found in the Audio folder. I exported from time to time with all plugins in the masterchain, just to know if it’s still working. Everything went well. On sunday I wanted to export the whole project (live-concert during about 90 minutes). I aborted, because I had to leave. Today i did just listen to all plugins, how they sound. For that I made a lot of ‘bypass on’ and ‘bypass off’. Then I exportet. And now the project is corrupt: 43 seconds only.

What else can I do?


Do you export in real-time or offline? Try to export in real-time.

Try to Render in Place the Group Channel.

Real-time export doesn’t work.
But Render in place works, with all the plugins.
Do you know why?


Interesting. But I have no idea.

At least, you have a workaround.