Expression Maps: Can I Put My Custom EM's At The Top Of The List?

I’m finally beginning to experiment with custom Expression Maps for use with my VSL library in Dorico, and I’m running into a problem I hope can be overcome.

Working with EM’s, there is a LONG list of HSO EM’s that seemingly cannot be deleted. I have no interest in using (and therefore seeing) them. It would be fine if I could put my custom EM’s at the top of the list. And yet there appears to be no way to do this. I cannot drag or reorder them. And if try to use an alpha sort by prefixing a “_” to my EM name, it does no good.

Suggestions? Ideas? Comments?

Aphabetized list? Rename yours A-

That’s the problem. I tried renaming to “_VSL Strings Hi” and it still appeared at the bottom of the list.

In the default character sorting sequence used by computers, the underscore character comes in between the upper case and lower case letters - i.e. it’s after “Z”, but before “a”. (Don’t ask why - it just does!)

Try using a hyphen instead of the underscore.

Ah, got it. Capital A works fine. Thanks.

Now if we can eventually get folders to organize our EM’s…

I imagine there is a reason we can’t delete the HSO EM’s. Folders would bring an additional benefit, letting me “hide” them.