Expression Maps for Dorico 3.5+

Synchron Strings doesn’t use a single set of keyswitches. It uses up to 3 sets of keyswitches where the values of one set depend on another. Several of the articulations have Fast variants, which can be accessed using Note Length conditions.

Note that articulations use the middle C=C4 convention.

The violins and violas have the same keyswitches, but the cellos and basses are shifted to a different octave.


The expression map uses the VelXF version of the instruments. The dynamics are controlled with CC2
If you find ppp too quiet then change the minimum velocity 10 or 20.
If you want a reduced dynamic range then you can trigger the Medium Velocity Range set by adding a keyswitch of D2 to the Init switch.

If you are playing string divisi in a single channel then set Legato Mode to Poly to allow chords to play back correctly.
Synchron (5.42 KB)
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