Expression Maps location on Windows

Where can I find the Expression Maps on Windows?

Library>Expression Maps

I meant the file path in the Explorer.

Wherever you choose to put them. You can export and import maps from the Expression Map dialog.

There are also some in “C:\Users\‘USERNAME’\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Dorico 5\DefaultLibraryAdditions”.
VSL expression maps get installed in this directory.


I have created and copied my expression maps to “DefaultLibraryAdditions” folder and 2 of 3 of my expression maps loaded automaticly but always one is missing. Dorico can use only two user expression maps! Very strange feature. What I can do?

Expression maps do not load automatically, unless they have been saved as part of an Endpoint Configuration which is part of a Playback Template. They will then load when you apply the Playback Technique.

I have douple cheked that everything is done according your advice but still I meet the same problem. If have studied carefully my endpoints setups (used only one type expression map on each, like CS Strings) everything is fine but when I construct (using these endpoints) some playpack template there is allways only two expression maps used in final results. Everything else is working fine, all tracks are reconized right way (correct instruments selected) but because only two expression maps types is used in final result (in many endpont setups of playback template) there are many wrong expression maps in different enpoints setups. What I do wrong way?

I can’t tell without seeing your Endpoints and Playback Templates. Could you upload them?

How I can upload the files directly for you?

Zip them up and click the upload button in the message box to select them. If you are not allowed to do that, attach them to a private message to me.

I am just wondering how to send private messages at this point.

Click on my avatar and then on “Message”. Let me know if this is not possible - you may be too new to the forum.