This is part of a project in witch i want to use pizzicato play. If I have well understood what i have red about thid topic, the expression map should be added automaticly. Apparently this does not happen. I have tried to change from CC11 (where only ‘natural’ play is listed to Ikonica Sketch vlns, vlas en celli (where ao. pizzicato is listed, but in playback i only get natural sound. Can you help me get this right please or am i overseeing something?
Tussenstuk windings.dorico (669,7 KB)
Hi @Johan_Martens , did you try to go in menu Play and choose Playback Template… and the in the dialogue select the Iconica Sketch, HSO, HALion Sonic Sel., Olympus, GASE PT, and the click Apply and close? This should reassign the Sounds and the correct Expression Maps (you may need to wait a couple of seconds, till the Play icon becomes green again).
Allready done that in the past days, Never the last tried it again just now, however without any result.
Try to reapply a different Playback Template (maybe one that starts with Halion Sonic, or Note Performer if you have it) and then the one I suggested again.
Done what you suggested but nothing changes???
Which version of Dorico are you using SE, Elements or Pro?
Yesterday i even reinstalled is, but no changes in play.
The score you posted has the GM Violin instrument loaded in Halion. (The GM instrument has no pizz articulation)
When you open Halion, do you see the Iconica Sketch in the media bay (on the right)?
Aha! You have chosen the Iconica Sketch Halion Sonic Selection… Playback Template.
Iconica does not include solo strings, only section strings, so Dorico loads the GM instruments from Sonic Selection.
You need to choose a template that includes HSO.
I reapplied the PT in your file on my system (and it plays back correctly), and saved the file with another name. Try if this playback correctly for you:
Tussenstuk windings-Iconica Sketch PT reapplied.dorico (1.1 MB)
Opps, strange. Just to check (not sure if this is related,but in any case): what do you have as Default Playback Template in Dorico Preferences/Play?:
Or maybe you can upload a Diagnostics File (created from the help menu), so the Team can look further.
Halion Symphonic Orchestra
Try to go into Steinberg Download Assistant, and on the left choose Dorico, and then choose your version of Dorico, and install all the content that appears on the right.
Thx. Does this matter as far as my project is concerned?
Will try!
Yes, because Iconica Sketch doesn’t have solo strings. And Halion Sonic Selection doesn’t have key-switches patches (like the combos in HSO, with legato, pizz. etc. in one patch).
Hi Christian, i just found out that the Elements-license does not include HSO. I presume that the file you made was in the Pro-version?
Does this mean there is no way to play pizz in Elements?
Shame that the 40th-anniversery promotion sale just ended yesterday. I would have considered buying the pro version. But now it’s a bit above my budget.
Not with solo strings. If you use section strings, then Iconica has pizz.
OK. Will try that!