I know that Dorico can extend or shorten hairpin cresc. or decresc. markings with the Shift-opt-right or left arrow while in Write mode. It would be nice if the same method were available for slurs to attach to the next or previous note. Is there another (different) way to do this with slurs that I am not aware of?
What puzzles me, is that (currently) only the ending point of a slur can be moved via keyboard shortcuts, but not the starting point (cf. current latest version of operation manual on p. 671). I find this missing functionality to be a huge time saver on another comparable programs.
Dear Daniel, are there any plans to add this feature to DORICO as well?
Dear Dan,
thanks for your reply! You’re right of course, but I find this way of moving slurs still a bit clunky compared to other comparable programs and certainly with regard to the otherwise very elegant and effective way Dorico is handling other such issues.
Well, we don’t anticipate changing this. The neat thing about Dorico’s approach is that the same key commands work for all types of items with durations: Alt+left/right moves the position of the item (you can think of this as moving the left-hand end of the item), Shift+Alt+left/right changes its duration (you can think of this as moving the right-hand end of the item).
Dear Kim,
You cannot select one end of a slur. Not in Write mode (where you really set the anchors of the slur). Hence the (remarkable) explanations given by Daniel above.
Not intending to nitpick, but what you suggested would indeed be inconsistent. Shift-Alt-arrow never changes the starting point of the item it’s lengthening or shortening, only the endpoint.
I’ve been using this tight box happily for 2.5 years now, and I find this consistent behavior very pleasant and very efficient. But don’t refrain yourself to think outside the box, after all it’s the best way to make things even better!
Quick wish list item: I would love it if the Slur command (S) worked as a toggle just like the tenuto or staccato key commands so that you could enter slurs in as you go. Currently, if you are in note-entry mode, you can enter a note, hit S so that it slurs to the next note, however when you hit S again it does not turn the function back off so you can keep entering notes without slurs. This would be a great productivity booster. Thanks!
Romanos, you can use Shift+S to turn a slur off. You can’t use S as a toggle because then you couldn’t have nested slurs. And yes, they’re a thing. See German version: Key commands - Dorico - Steinberg Forums (this has come up before).
Pianoleo, your “yes they’re a thing” comment made me chuckle. I know I’ve posed a few questions before, but yes, I know about nested slurs lol. Pretty standard.