Failing to hide empty staves

Hello everyone,
I know it should be easy, but I can’t hide the empty staves even with the layout option activated. Am I missing something?

Natural harmonics (840,1 KB)

Are you meaning hide empy saves? Or empty bars? Don’t you want to suppress those empty bars instead? I would suggest you delete them using the system track.

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Hello, no I want to hide them to leave a “white space”

Ok. So what you need to do is Layout options>Players>Bar rests and multibar…>Untick Show bar rests in empty bars

Ok, but I still get the bar, isn’t there a way to hide it completely?

You mean the barlines? You can select them and delete them. You might need to insert two note spacing changes though :
Natural harmonics la.dorico (847,6 Ko)

maybe I am not expressing correctly, this is what I would like to achieve.

This is very much achievable. Delete empty bars as I told you, then use the Engrave mode note-spacing sub-mode. A picture is worth a thousand words…
Natural harmonics la.dorico (846,9 Ko)

Use alt-cmd-left arrow to move that square.


thanks :slight_smile: