Farty noise during playback continues to , well, fart

Maybe someone can point me to a really good primer on how to use this blasted Halion playback thingy that was installed with Dorico? I’ve had this continuing problem with a deep farting noise when in playback. Someone on a previous forum said my expression map was incorrect, and that did, it seemed anyway, to fix the problem. I want a trumpet sound, I should use an ex. map that has the word trumpet in it.
It will work one day but then the next day when I open that project again the farty noise is back! Here are screen shots of the Dorico window and the Halion Sonic 7 window… WTF am I doing wrong? This is THE BIGGEST time suck for my work flow. Trying to make the sounds come out without deep farting noises.

Background on this project. It’s a full concert band arrangement that I’m just rescuing from the trash heap of history. There are 3 Cornets, 2 Trumpets, horns, etc. so I need to have more than one Halion Sonic window to fill all the instrument slots. but I have this same problem when working on a jazz nonet project, so it’s surely something I don’t understand about this Halion/Dorico interface.
I’m using a 2023 MacBook Pro with 32GB memory, Apple M2 chip, OS is Sonoma (14.7)

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It is probably the wrong expression map for one of the instruments. Re-apply the playback template to have it reload the instruments and automatically select the correct maps. You shouldn’t have to load the sounds and select the expression maps manually - if you do this you need to know that a particular sound is compatible with a particular expression map.

If you load instruments and maps manually, you can’t just use any old map for the same instrument. It is made for that specific one.


Thanks @mducharme! That worked right now. Let’s see if it holds when I open the project again tomorrow.

That’s what happens when one uses a raspberry pi computer … :crazy_face:

Seriously though, it would be very bizarre if the template wouldn’t hold after saving the file. The fact that that is standard procedure and it fixed it is indicative that it was the issue

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@claude_g_lapalme , it held this time! I think maybe because I was, at first, only entering the solo part in a stand alone document but then started adding each instrument one by one. Maybe I should have set it up properly with the full band from the get go.