Feature request: Adjustment to dragging grand staff instruments

Hello everyone. I had a look to see if there was already a post about this one and I couldn’t find it.

I’d like to suggest a change in the way dragging works when using option–drag upwards to propoertionally space staves, where there are grand staff instruments. Very often one wants to proportionally reduce the distance between the systems but not between the two staves of a grand staff, e.g. in a piano part. It would be great if the drag feature would NOT effect the distance within a grand staff, for example, if you click and drag on the system bar for the lowest system (as opposed to clicking on the lowest staff of the page).

This would save an awful lot of time when casting off piano music…

Adjusting the system handle of a grand staff should not affect the distance between staves. Is that what happens when you do so?

Distance between staves on a layout-wide basis would depend on settings in the Layout Options panel.

I’m talking about using option–drag, not just moving one system at a time.