FEATURE REQUEST: "Feature Requests & Suggestions" subsection for Dorico Forum?

I frequently use gradual tempo change markings like ritardando and accelerando to move to a new tempo; such as quarter=60 to quarter=92 or the reverse. For playback, it would be very helpful if we could set the final tempo in these types of markings as being equal to the new tempo marking, similar to how dynamics go from piano to forte, without having to calculate what the percentage difference is. It’s been a long day so I hope this makes sense. Thanks!


The ability to anchor lyrics to the notes above them in the staff would be a big time saver. I often need to change note durations and rhythmic positions and having to re-enter the lyrics each time is frustrating and time consuming. A global toggle to turn this on/off and then the ability to change this locally would be great. Thanks.

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What I do for this is either:

  • Select both the note and lyric syllable and nudge them together by the grid

Or, if it’s more than a couple notes changing rhythm:

  • Select and Cut the lyrics, change the rhythm, and Paste them back in

Lyrics are attached to beat positions, not notes, so I doubt there is a way to lock them together.

Thanks Mark. I’m just trying to avoid extra steps. If they would just stay together as the notes are edited, that would be perfect.

Hi Dorico,
How about a “measure number” token? I can’t use the A B C system, as I am in musical theater doing a project, and they use a box with the measure number. Sometimes they have to delete measures, so you go from measure 10 to measure 20, so it isn’t always .sequential. If they do a cut, they can’t reshuffle all the rehearsal marks. It would be nice if the box with the measure number as a rehearsal mark know what measure number it was on, and a token would work fine for that.

I have not needed to cut a few measures and so have them not be numbered sequentially yet. Is that possible? Thanks,

And to complicate matters, sometimes they add measures, so you have 10a 10b, 10c, 10d, etc. But even a token for the measure number under normal circumstances would be great!

Jan, if I understand correctly, you would like a method to lock bar numbers (measure numbers)?
So that - after locking them - you can cut and shuffle chunks of the music, without the locked bar numbers changing from their original numbering?
At the moment you can use Rehearsal Marks to display bar numbers (instead of Letters), but you would ask for a second layer of fixed numbers. You can have a workaround by adding boxed System(wide) Text.
I am just thinking that this whole method might be messy. As the performer valid bar numbers do help navigating fast and efficiently. If you start at bar 116, ist this 4 backwards from 120 or is it 8 bars after (former) number 140?

ps.: we might not be in the right thread, as this one is about “should we have a feature request thread?”. May be it should be cut off to be a separate dedicated feature request.

Both your requests are achievable with bar number changes. It’s not automatic when you delete bars, but if you insert a bar number change at the bar which stays before you delete a section, you should achieve what you want.
Also it’s possible to add letters to bars.


A post was split to a new topic: Default tempo marking horizontal position

Here is my feature request: Better real time rendering when selecting potential fonts within a project… especially for the process of selecting plain font time signatures.

Former Finale user here. I love Dorico, and think it is incredibly intuitive during the editing process. I would really appreciate the ability to change the preview text shown while editing time signature plain fonts and etc. Better yet- I would love the ability for it to automatically swap the preview text to show a time signature during this step. It would be really cool if there was a way to star fonts or something and have a list of favorites. Currently, it is just kind of tedious to experiment with the font and have it close out, then have to reopen the window, etc. This part of the workflow could be more user friendly imo, but maybe there is a better way to do it than I know of.

Welcome to the forum, @Parker_Edwards, and thanks for your feedback. Users often request the ability to have an Apply button in this dialog (and others in the Library menu), and I agree this would be a good thing for us to add in future.


Dear Dorico Developers,

I work as a composer in Japan, where lead/chord sheets are required to keep the bars completely empty.

4 slashes in every bar seems common practice in the West but here we must keep them blank with the only exception being marking down any particular rhythm we want them to follow (Check screenshot).

I do this in Sibelius by hiding all of the bar rests with a shortcut. I’ve read of work-arounds in Dorico by shrinking rests, making them transparent etc. but seems too counterintuitive and time consuming, especially when there’s 15+ songs to record for guitar.

Is there any chance making this an easier process in Dorico?

Without a feature to hide rests intuitively, Dorico wont be a viable option for most Japanese composers here, for the time being unfortunately. With that in mind I hope you can consider!

Thanks for your time.


Making the bar rests transparent is pretty easy.

Edit->Select all, Edit->filter->rests, properties panel at the bottom->color->(picker)

Then the picker opens - it looks slightly different depending on whether it is Mac or Windows. On MacOS turn down opacity to 0% or on Windows decrease alpha channel to 0.

Just takes a few seconds. You can probably record a macro in the scripts menu that does all that with one click.

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Oh really? Thank you for the tip. I wasn’t aware there was macro recording, sounds very useful!

Yup, if you make such a macro, you can even send the macro to others, it is an .lua script file. All they would have to do is put it in the correct location and it will just appear in the scripts menu in Dorico.

Just tried out this method and its just what I’m looking for.
Thanks very much Michael. Please excuse my ignorance!

You can also select Layout Options/Players/Bar Rests and Multi-bar Rests, and then deselect Show bar rests in empty bars.


There’s an option that automatically hides bar rests throughout a layout, without affecting note spacing.

You can then simply input slashes in the bars where you want slashes (in Write mode, double click in any bar to bring up the caret there)

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Yes, it’s important to note that this option doesn’t let the bars collapse horizontally the same way Remove Rests does.

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Hi folks,

As I take on the task of learning this program after many years as a Sibelius and Finale power-user (and an old Notion and Musescore user in a life past) I am sure I will come back to this page many times with thoughts and curiosities (hopefully constructive and logical).

Regarding Note Input
-It would be great to have the option to turn off the need to enter note input mode in order to enter new notes. Put another way, perhaps there’d be a way to be able to enter note input mode without having to first do an additional keystroke- I know this is already possible under certain circumstances, and so maybe I just need to figure out what’s sometimes preventing me from entering into note input mode when I attempt to prime a duration/pitch with a key command (since, sometimes nothing happens, and other times a carat appears).

If that’s too big of an ask and goes against too much of the core functionality of the platform, I have an alternate request:

-Alternatively: When I am in Note Edit mode, I’d like to be able to quickly edit the pitch of a highlighted note by pressing the corresponding pitch letter on my keyboard [ABCDEFG] (if the Chord tool is on, only the highlighted note within a chord changes pitch, if the Chord tool is not on, the chord transforms into a single note of the specified pitch) maybe it is as simple as that, and that could be a functionality that you turn on or off if needed.

I recognize the value of separating out the writing and editing functionalities, primarily for Midi keyboard users, but for those who do the vast majority of their note entry using Computer keyboards, every extra keystroke makes a huge difference in the writing and editing process. I am also happy to hear suggestions on a different way of thinking/working that’s already integrated into the program, I’m certainly not too old to learn new tricks and workflows (so long as they’re faster and flexible in the long run).

A side request, since I use my computer keyboard for virtually all of my note entry, it would be great to be able to set key commands for entering individual intervals so that users can bypass the Interval popover if desired, e.g. I want to be able to press “4” and a 4th appears above the highlighted note (again, this would be great in both entry and edit mode if there was a switch to allow for more flexibility in workflow).

Alternatively: Another way of allowing for this would be to allow for Macros (which are AWESOME by the way) to be triggered by custom Key Commands–and then folks such as myself could make and easily trigger macros that enter intervals (For Mac users, I find that App-Wide Keyboard Shortcut overrides made in Mac System Settings don’t always play nice with Scorewriter software).

I recognize that there are some challenges and contradictions built into all of these asks-- so, if one of these requests isn’t logical for the program, I’d love to hear about why as I continue to learn Dorico and get into its guts. Thanks all!