Feature Request: Preferences in the Cloud

Mac users all have AppleIDs with access to their account’s cloud storage. Some software applications make use of this storage. I can already store my Dorico project files in iCloud, as they call it. In this way, I can get to current versions of the projects on my desktop at home and my laptop as I travel. I can share the project files with collaborators in a shared folder in iCloud–think about different users adding comments.

Here’s my request: I would like Dorico to offer the user the ability to store preference files (I’m specifically thinking keyboard shortcuts and layout options) in the cloud; so, I don’t have to create them and keep them current in two places: my laptop and desktop machines. The Dorico app on both machines would simply use those files across both devices from one single file location: the cloud.

I don’t think this currently exists, but, if it does, please advise.


There was discussion of this kind of thing last year in this thread.
Search the forum for “symlink” and you’ll find more.

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