Feature Request: Select whole slur

While I fully expect that someone will inform me that this is already possible by other means, here goes:

Option-Mouse Select a slur in Engrave Mode to select the entire slur.

This would solve the problem of having to lasso a short slur to avoid clicking one of the control points, which is sometimes impossible because of tight quarters. Or resorting to selecting it in Write Mode and then switching back to Engrave Mode. Or changing the zoom. Or using the arrow keys to get to it from another element.

Please, something to be able to select a single entire short slur easily with the mouse. Thank you.

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You could Tab several times cycling around the handles and eventually the whole slur. Or try to click the Line and not the handles.



When you click on a small slur, and can’t do so without selecting one of its control points, you can repeatedly press the tab key to not only cycle through the other control points, but also to a state where no control point is selected.
[Jesper beat me!]

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yes this is already possible. from Write mode if the slur is selected and you switch to Engrave mode none of the adjustment points will be selected.
if you are already in Engrave mode and you select the slur (not on a point) none of the points will be selected. you can also TAB through the points as it cycles through one point at a time and then none.

[darn you guys are quick !!] :slight_smile:


Thanks @PjotrB @jesele . I thought there had to be something. Actually I had tried tabbing around the slur hoping that that the whole slur would eventually be selected , but didn’t have the zoom large enough to see it.

I had mentioned that I have tried returning to Write Mode and back @tom_ginsberg, but thank you.

I maintain my feature request for a more direct way to select a whole slur with the single click of the mouse.

Another suggestion. Simply enlarge zoom in to enlarge what you’re working on. I do that frequently when I have difficulty selecting exactly what I want.

Thank you @wconable Yes, I mentioned in the original post that I do change the zoom as necessary. But obviously, this is not ideal. I am finding that tabbing around the slur to select the whole slur is visible at 150% and up, now that I am more aware of it. It seems to be the best of an inefficient bunch.

While Dorico’s slur placement is generally excellent and requires little adjustment, I have to move many whole slurs because Dorico places two-note stem-side slurs from stem to stem. I use a different style that place the tips of the slurs close to the note heads. So the easier the selection process the better.

Even when a slur is large enough to be able to select between the control points, I make mistakes, think I have selected the whole slur, move the control point instead of the whole slur and have to redo the work. Selecting a whole slur shouldn’t be a matter requiring so much concentration, decision-making and work.

Hi John. I have created some neat keyboard shortcuts for some filters, which all involve cmd F, “another letter” (because Dorico allows sequences of letters as a shortcut). Here, cmd F, S selects the slurs in my initial selection. Fast and reliable :person_shrugging:

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That sounds very interesting. What are wome filters and how would I create such a shortcut?

Wome filters are nothing but a typo. It’s getting hard to write with the phone, I beg your pardon :pray:
To create the shortcut, do as usual : Preferences >Key Commands, look for filter, select Filter Slurs, and in the field where you enter your key command, type Cmd+ F then S

@MarcLarcher Some day there will be a wome filter; I’m sure of it. I just googled it and we are almost there. :grinning:

Well, I programmed a shortcut: Control-W (since I couldn’t get yours to work after programming it) and it only seems to filter slurs in Write Mode which seems to be the way Dorico is designed. I would need to apply a filter in Engrave Mode. Great idea if it worked because I often have groups of them to adjust.

But wait, that wouldn’t work because each one would have to be reselected to adjust it.

I am noticing the same tab behavior for other elements: lines and brackets around notes have just come up. One must Tab around the control points to select the entire line or bracket.

I found it impossible to select an entire round bracket by clicking on it at any Zoom level, because the control points overlap each other. This means pressing the Tab one, two or three or times after the first mouse selection to select the whole bracket.

For this reason I expand my Feature Request: Option-Mouse Select will select any complete object with control points.