Hello everybody! I haven’t been very active on the forum for a few years, so forgive me, if I bring on topics that have been addressed elsewhere.
I would like to suggest a few improvements (or ask for guidance, if they already exist):
Could condensing be improved to include the practice of writing cello and basses playing in unison (octaves) on one staff - looking just like one uncondensed line?
When condensing singer parts with identical rhythm and text, could the text only be displayed once pr. staff?
Could singer parts be allowed to share a staff when not singing at the same time (like in a conversation between characters in an opera)? This is often seen in vocal scores.
Other appreciated improvements would be:
The possibility to change the size of one individual staff mid-flow.
An option for multi rests to show “Tacet al” - ignoring tempo changes and whatever normally breaks them.
An option to show the number of each staff on the page in Engrave Mode. This might seem a bit weird, but it would in fact be very useful for my workflow.
Finally a question: I seem to remember that there’s a key that - when pressed - shows a preview of what the print will look like. This never worked on my Danish keyboard (I don’t remember what key it was). Is this function customisable in Preferences-Shortcuts? If not, could it be?