feature suggestion: using modifier key to keep menu selection open so you can make another selection

Often I need to select two consecutive menu items in the same menu one after the other and it’s a small hassle to have to navigate back up after the first select, hit the menu heading again, and then select the related second item. Why not allow the following (as an example)?:

  • I wish to turn “Edit–>Filter” from “select” to “de-select” and then choose some items to filter. I hold a modifier key down (shift, option, etc.) when I FIRST change “select” to “de-select”. By holding this key, instead of disappearing, the menu stays open so I can immediately choose the items I wish to filter.

I’m sure the Dorico powers-that-be have much goodness on their plate to create, but just thought I’d throw this suggestion in if they think it may be useful (and hasn’t previously been suggested - I’m not sure).

  • D.D.

I’m afraid that’s really not how menus work, though I know that users do find it awkward to change this setting. My suggestion to you given the status quo is to assign shortcuts to toggle between filtering to select and filtering to deselect so you only need to open the menu once.

So there’s no way a modifier key when held down after first invoking a menu could keep it from closing after I make my selection until I’ve made a 2nd (or 3rd, etc.) selection? I’m not a programmer but just presumed this might be possible (perhaps naively :slight_smile:)… This also would be useful to turn on/off multiple signposts we wish to either view or unview…Of course it’s your territory how such a thing would be implemented but just wanted to point out the minor inconvenience (though I’ll definitely look at key commands, particularly useful if I could assign a “toggle”, which I’ll have to check when in front of my computer).
