Features missing in Pro 5.1?


I am a Finale convert, and am working through the Dorico Pro tutorial, which has been very helpful. There are a couple features that are not showing up for me:

  1. Alternate accidentals are not showing up in the Toolbox area for me (see attachment) as indicated in the Respelling Notes section.
  2. The option to select a closed Repeat Ending is not visible in my window (see attachment).

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Carl Collins

Welcome Carl,

  1. Can you try clicking the “Accidentals” heading/dropdown? Perhaps the section is actually collapsed and just the arrow is wrongly showing up as “expanded”.
  2. For the closed ending you need to go into Engrave mode and click the second ending, then you will see the line end setting in the bottom panel.

It is in Engrave Properties panel. Select just the second repeat ending …

Thanks @Janus! That did the trick for the ending issue.

@VIPStephan, for some reason, the accidentals are showing up now when I opened Dorico. Maybe some screen resolution issue? No idea.

Thanks for your reply!