FEEDBACK: Bug II // copy from tamburin

this shows; i am first playing from the beginning, than stopping, than copy pasting anything

Yes, I can see what you mean. I am fiddling with it currently. Was this an XML import by any chance?

no, all new ā€¦ but it was first in an other Dorico Project, I exported the partie to a new file

Thank you so far Daniel.
But actually the sound of the flute doesnt bother me so much.
The copy pasting of the tamburin rhythmn was my main interest ā€¦ ok now i typed it in again ā€¦ i know you told me, it is in the hidden treble clef, but also that would be nice if this could be solved in future.

On grand staff instruments, a number of elements are ā€˜attachedā€™ to the top staff (such as figured bass and pedal lines).

If you only want a piano bass staff you could use a generic sketch bass staff instrument, or simply remove the lower staff of your grand staff and change the clef.

This sounds like the same issue:

ā€¦but your project doesnā€™t show any edited offsets.

Thank you Janus and Daniel
I am questioning if there could be easier and more intuitiv solutions for that in future.
deleting the bass clef and changing the treble clef to a bass clef is a workaround solution i would not like to accept for Pro Programm in 2024.
Again: I am trying to give constructive feedback

Of course! And thereā€™s no problem with that.

I could equally argue that removing the treble staff of a grand staff instrument is in itself a workaroundā€¦
(not to mention your notating Viola in treble clef is pretty amateur, but letā€™s not go thereā€¦)