fermata in barline


I attached a fermata to a bar:

The composer wants the fermata on the barline, so I switch on the option to place it above the barline:

The Composer wants a fermata on every sie of the barline. So I tried to switch on the option for fermata placements, and the fermata jumps back onto the notes. The option to attach the fermata to the barline is still on.

This can’t be the desired behaviour!?
Is there a way to have a fermata in both ends of the barline?


Set them at different beat positions. Failing that, you’ll have to fake it by creating fermatas as Playing Techniques.

Composers. Tsk. :laughing:

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I believe at the moment it is indeed only possible to show the fermata above the barline.

Please consider this as an feature request than.

HeiPet, as a workaround you can construct a custom playing technique that shows a fermata glyph, attach to the final beat of the bottom instrument, flip with F, switch to Engrave mode and drag into place. In the part layout you’ll need to drag it off the edge of the page.

Thanks pianoleo and benwiggy! I’ll do that. I’m preparing a playing score, so there are no parts needed.

Used for multi-staved instruments and scores during the 19th century. See https://vmirror.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/d/da/IMSLP23075-PMLP03585-BraWV,_S._237.pdf

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Indeed, but notice that those fermatas appear above and below barlines, but not in mid-barline. I think the latter is messy and not useful.

I thought he was asking for fermatas above and below the bar line, something I was just needing and which is only possible with the work-around described. Mid-bar line would, of course, be nonsense.

I’m still not sure what

was a typo for … so maybe he did mean just above and below.

Yes, that’s what I would like to have in Dorico. Sorry for the typo.