I have a score with a keyboard instrument with figured bass. Is it possible to create a left-hand part where the figured bass is shown? Simply hiding the right hand in the part is unfortunately not a solution, because it also hides the figured bass (for some reason). Creating a hidden instrument into which I copy the left hand has so far been the least ideal, but at least functioning solution. Subsequent changes then become double the work and a potential source of error, so it’s not exactly my favorite approach. This leads me to wonder if I’m overlooking an option where I can create a part for just the left hand, including the figured bass.
Thanks in advance!
I tried with LvB with no issues:
The grey colour you see is just because I suppressed the playback, and I also reduced the size.
Unfortunately this is only possible if at least one bar has the upper staff in the row… Frankly I cannot say more, maybe it’s in the backlog, but I don’t know.
Hutman, if you write your B.c. part as one bass staff instrument and add the right hand as another soprano staff instrument, you should be fine. Then make the figured bass show up in the bass stave instrument in Layout Options.
In other words: don’t use a grand staff instrument.
You will have to setup the bracketing in Engrave Mode afterwards.
Thanks a lot. Thats it