Dorico 5.1. I’m trying to start the bar with a (7),# figure such that the (7) resolves to a 6 after one half of a beat and the # into a (4) after one beat. (I don’t want to discuss these markings.) I tried
but this just gives me two resolutions which happen at the same time. How do I combine two different-length resolutions in a single figure?
Well, a related question. How do I put the ‘7’ in the picture below in the same row as the ‘6’?
I tried a few approaches using resolutions, e.g. 7->6,#, but to no avail. For example, the just cited approach results in the sharp sign already on the first beat!
With regard to the related question there is a setting
Vertical alignment of figures across system when above staff
Engraving Options > Figured Bass > Vertical Position.
Change it to Align top row.
I’m also in the Figured Bass above system team because as a Continuo player all information you have to read along with the figures is further above the score or part.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. And glad to see another in the ‘FB above system’ team!
(The first question still stands; I’d really love to be able to do that in Dorico.)
I hope moderate bumping is allowed I’m still in the dark as to the initial question about the ‘double resolution’, maybe this time it will grab the attention of some Dorico figured bass expert?
Fellow forum member @dan_kreider has an excellent font called MusAnalysis, which includes the ability to rhythmically offset voice leading motions. Here’s his documentation for it in case you want to examine what it might do to help you in your work.
MusAnalysis 2.0 documentation.pdf (601.7 KB)
You can’t have different resolution lengths for a single figured bass event, but you can “interrupt” the resolution with another event and Dorico will draw a resolution line through it if appropriate.
It’s probably easiest to explain with an example - see the penultimate system of the attached project.
Albrechtsberger example 319.dorico (379.5 KB)
Thank you!