It’s a small thing but intrigues me a lot. I made some chords and wrote the figured bass numbers below. It worked well. Now I need to transpose the pattern in all keys. I changed the key (left side panel), selected all notes and alt-arrowed it up. Strangely the figured bass numbers has been changed in a very sophistitad way, I assume according the original notes. Is there any way to keep the figured bass numbers as they were by forcing them with a small trick or I need to rewrite it in each key? (What is rather tedious)
Using the transpose dialog (Type J, then Transpose) should consider the figured bass. That also takes care of changing the key signature at the start.
Yes, as @derKirchenmusiker says, use the Write>Transpose dialog. But make sure you include the figured bass in your note selection (either use a marquee selection, or a system track selection).
Edit: on investigation you can also use the shift-I popover (eg. select notes and figured bass, then shift-I t4 will transpose everything up a fourth including the figured bass)
Yes: if you just “move the bass note”, then Dorico maintains the same harmony in the figures.
As said, you need to Transpose.
Lovely, it worked nicely, and actually using transpose command makes everything much easier, not only solves my figured bass issue.
Thank you so much.