Filtering MIDI CC1 from Keyboard only?

My MIDI keyboard controller has decided to start randomly sending CC1 messages at completely inappropriate moments.

Until I get a new keyboard, is there a way in Cubase I can globally filter the incoming CC1 from my keyboard, while letting through CC1 from my iPad, which I can use as a controller in the meantime?


The MIDI Filter in Preferences is always global for all MIDI ports. So this is not the way.

You could assign MIDI CC1 to the Track- or VST Quick Controls. Set your MIDI keyboard as an input. If you don’t use Quick Controls, or if you will not assign them or Read/Write them, then this Controller should be ignored (translated to the dummy Quick Control).

Thanks Martin, I’ll give that a go.


Hi Martin,

Isn’t the Global Input Transformer supposed to do this?

However, when I configured a Global Input Transformer on a MIDI track, its behavior was identical to a Local Input Transformer.

Is the Global Input Transformer broken?

Create two MIDI tracks
On one of them create a Global Input Transformer to Filter out CC1
Record Arm both tracks and start recording
make some moves with the Mod Wheel
CC1 is recorded onto the track without the global input transformer.

Do the same thing now but use the Local Input Transformer instead of the Global.

Result is identical.

This seems wrong. Can you confirm?

Hi Steven,

You are right, of course. If you want to filter the data on a dedicated track, then this is the way how to do it.

But as far as I understand, the request is to filter the data from one MIDI Device only. And all MIDI Ins of all tracks are always All MIDI Inputs.

In your solution, the track would filter Out the MIDI CC1 in both cases - if it’s sent from the hardware, or iPad. Or am I wrong?

I guess this was a bit off topic…

I wanted to test the Global Transformer to see if it would apply only the MIDI device routed that self-same MIDI track.

I did not get any farther since it appeared to be broken.

I have the same problem as the OP, my Mod wheel is broken and transmits garbage pretty much all the time. I deal with it by turning it off on the keyboard (Fatar SL-880) or by using MIDI-OX to filter it out. Neither solution is great because I always forget how I did it when I go to actually use the Mod Wheel!

… errm…
Did you actually set the Input Transformer on the 2nd MIDI track to “Global” (maybe just a typo, but it reads like you didn’t activate the Input Transformer on that track at all :wink:.

Record Arm both tracks and start recording
make some moves with the Mod Wheel
CC1 is recorded onto the track without the global input transformer.

Do the same thing now but use the Local Input Transformer instead of the Global.

Result is identical.

This seems wrong. Can you confirm?

I took the operation manual literally, that setting it to global would affect all tracks.

Then I read the very bottom line in that chapter. So it’s not broken at all. :confused: :blush: