Fingering for String Harmonics

I’d like to enter fingerings for natural harmonics with a number over 0 as shown in the attachment. Is this possible? If so, how to I go about doing so?



Admittedly, my suggestion is a hack, yet it does work.
Three quick steps:

  1. You add a note below the natural harmonic (like you would if it were an artificial harmonic)
  2. Assign it a fingering of ‘0’
  3. Select that lower note and in the properties panel set its opacity to 0.
    Screen Shot 2018-02-24 at 1.53.42 PM.png
    Igor Borodin

Your hack works perfectly.

Hopefully there will be developments that allow this kind of fingering to be entered without extra manipulations. Meanwhile, I’m able to get the fingerings I need into the score I’m working on.

Thank you for your help!
